Adrenalyn XL 2025 Platinum Swap Package (30) cards

Swap Panini Premier League Adrenalyn XL 2025 cards using our unique exchange. Purchase 30 cards then swap your duplicates to complete your collection. We can ship this to UK and Europe for free.


You are about to purchase the Panini Premier League 2025 Adrenalyn XL trading cards you have chosen.

Step 1) As part of the Platinum package you will need to pay £7.99 for the transaction, and

Step 2) exchange some of your duplicates in order for me to continue to provide this service.

Step 2) Based on my calculations you must exchange the total value of [40] cards with me to complete the ‘trade’, using the below criteria:

Base cards value = 1

All other ‘specials’ card values = 2

Golden Baller/Invincible card values = 4

(All special cards (“Specials”) to trade include: Super Stopper, High Flyer, Defensive Hero, Powerhouse, Relentless, Midfield Master,

Model Pro, Breakthrough, Hypersonic, Precision, Adrenalyn Rush, Magic Touch, Fire, Ice, World Class, Phenom, Hotshot, and Trophy)

The total value of duplicates could be made up of 40 base cards or 20 “Specials” as described above or 10 Golden Ballers or any combination.

Please send duplicates in good condition only to the address on the invoice you will receive via email after payment.

Once I receive your duplicates matching the above criteria I will then send your chosen items out immediately. (Please keep your proof of postage).


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